Saturday, February 22, 2014

BEing Subjugated

We, the students –
  • ·        Heckled by most, from faculties to non-teaching staffs, even by security guards.

  • ·        Left to think that students here are good at nothing, just useless scum.

  • ·        Big talks to the world, but little done on the part of the students.

Everyone here just keeps on building castles in the air.

But why should we students care? We have mastered the art to adjust and manage with the little things we suffice with, even if it is shortage of pure drinking water.

Now I ask you a small question....

This institution, with all its facilities and every entity, by principle, is meant to provide amenity to one particular class of people, do you know whom ?
It’s the students.

Couldn't get the right answer by your own ? Or are you not even sure with the answer???
Well don't blame you much for it, because the environment in the university wouldn't let you get the correct answer. But unfortunately, yes, everything is meant to cater to the needs of the students, who have been chosen from one of the toughest screening test.

So, ethically YES, for the students ….but in reality in every nook or corner it’s “NO....NO ….NO …..”.

You have class in the 3rd floor of the Main Academic building, you’re in a hurry, wanna take the lift ? “NO”, it’s not meant for you, because you are a student, otherwise it would have been okay.

You have not been able to pay the fee[ mess fee or semester fee] within stipulated time, you pay additional fine [which ultimately goes into some unknown coffer though], but when the mess section have mistakenly deducted fee for two additional months, there is “NO” quick remedy available, because they know this money belongs to students who are the baseless creature of the university.

An analysis of the drinking water in the hostels show that they must be purified before drinking. But should there be any purifier [in working condition] be installed ??? Absolutely “NO”. Need to say the reason even now ? You don't seem to be so dumb....
Yes, you are right !!! It’s because the occupants of those hostels and halls are we, the students.

When educational infrastructure needs to be renovated, lab infrastructure
needs to be modernized, you see some concrete buildings looming up, with no effective purpose though :
1. All weather comfortable canteen – which never opened
2. An exemplary second gate
3. A meditation center
4. And finally for all round recreation of the students, a “Student Recreation Center”, at least students recreate themselves by laughing at the joke cracked on them.

Sometimes it makes people think, whether the institute is on a real-estate venture ?
Deteriorating placement scenario, is not a big deal here.
Currently, UG curriculum is given the least attention, and has been relegated to the back benches.

Several initiatives have been taken to improve the situations of the students some on a long-term basis some to provide short-run results, but very few got implemented properly.

Being students we seriously feel :
WHAT's LACKING ? Students empowerment
WHAT's GAINING ? Students exploitation

I just put forward a small question again, what is more pure, fresh and have more potential ? Water in a gushing stream or a stagnant lake ?

If you know the answer you will surely appreciate that, similarly amongst the students, juniors replace the seats of the seniors, and every year just as a senior-most batch graduate out, a fresh lot of students join the community. We students are like a flow ….but what about the other people who are associated with the university ?
“No we are not scum …..
nor do make us think so. “

- we proclaim.


  1. Replies
    1. Sir, there are numerous incidents, but these are the ones that come to mind as of now.

      Sir,we don't think a year lag can motivate a student to attend classes. We have personally conversed with the students, and the year lag has pushed them to depression rather than making them believe in the system.

      We agree the 8 CST students were at fault with respect to attending lab classes, but when one of their batchmates went to speak with the professor involved, the professor took viva of the student.Does a student have the right to express his opinion only when he is academically strong in that particular subject?

      The student was able to answer the questions. So the professor in question revealed personal vengeance towards him. This is not what we expect to hear from someone we consider as our guide.

      Students come here with a lot of aspirations and a good WBJEE score. But they don't get a proper encouraging atmosphere. The environment is suppressive and disrespectful for students as their feedback about lectures, or assignments (which are, in many cases, outdated) are never taken into account. In the event of the classes being productive or not, it's always a one-way communication and students' opinion is considered irrelevant.

  2. Sir, I also have same feelings.

  3. Whatever has been written is very true in all respect. The staffs, faculties etc are all for serving the students. But all of them have got a platform to voice their views except those who are not secondary to anyone. All flamboyant words used to describe BESU in press and electronic media are hopelessly false. Yes it has to be admitted that BESU is free from campus violence. But what for is this peace, I ask. Are the students going to satisfy themselves with peace prevailing in crematorium? If the answer is yes then the present system should continue unobstructed, if the answer is no, then all have to play a role.
